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Author Archives: Dr.Jamilah love Speller

Business spells for the year.

Business spells for the year. Money is so good to have. It will make you feel like you are o top of the world and so all your affairs ill get into place. you can not achieve the happiness in money acquiring without you having wor or a business that is going to bring you the money that you wat. ...

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Next year lucky spells.

next year luck spells

Next year lucky spells. In this world, we need to be a bit lucky in our lives We need to be a bit successful to live a happy life. I know that you have been unlucky this previous year and you would not want to repeat the same things this coming year. The year s so young and so a ...

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Spells and curses.

Spells and curses. Cursing someone is something you would last think of but at times, it is inevitable especially when this person has hurt you so much. The need to get back to them and have revenge might drive you to greater extents. You know that to be cursed mostly happens but at time sit does not take effect. Here ...

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Protection spells for the year.

protection spells for the year

Protection spells for the year. Protection spells for the year to bring you protection from the beginning of the year until its end. This spell is going to bring ypu all the protection you always imagined to have. You know the world is full of chaos and so everyone is o pressure. People are not settled and wars are everywhere. ...

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Job promotion and protection spells.

job protetion spells

Job promotion and protection spells. As humans, we go through a process. We are born, we study then graduate. Then we embark on the journey to find jobs. Many of us get them but some of us are unfortunate and it takes longer to get one. This shows the level of competitiveness that is in the job market, Everyone wants ...

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Full moon love ritual.

Full moon love ritual. Rituals are practices that we perform in times of spell casting. They are intended for any reason and so no spell proceeds without any ritual. Tye vary from spell to sell and so they do not contain any black magic at times. According to what you apply the spel for, it is the kind of ritual ...

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Love spells with rituals you can practice on your own.

love spells with rituals

Love spells with rituals you can practice on your own. Most of us give up on spell casting thinking it is a very hard thing to put into action. I know you are afraid of the long and complex procedures that we are going to pass through until you get to your gold. I can promise you that a lot ...

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Healing spells and rituals.

healing spells and rituals

Healing spells and rituals that work. The healing spells and rituals to cleanse e you of all the worries of this world. You have been heartbroken by someone. Your feelings and mind can nt let go and you still think about them like never before, It really hurts you to find out that you are no longer together and so ...

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How to remove black magic spells.

How to remove black magic. There are very many ways you can find true happiness. BQut you can never reach true happiness f you still have spirits haunting you. There are many things that bring about bad luck and hence we find our selves very unlucky in life. Maybe it was a relative of ours who sod us to the ...

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The cleansing chant.

the cleasning chant

The cleansing chant. Chants are special ways in which we use to command what we want and it happens. There are very many varieties of ways one can reach their destination in spell casting. But if you are avoiding the most complicated ways that might be difficult. Ways that might require alt and hence very complex. You would RATHER use ...

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