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Author Archives: Dr.Jamilah love Speller

Love spell to make him call you.

love spel to make him call you

Love spell to make him call you. Signs of true love is the way one person cares about the other. The way they are willing to sacrifice their happiness and time to be with you. That is love bu thos do not show true love completely. Real and effective communication is a source of a happy and everlasting love life. ...

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Quick drawing love spells.

quick drawing love spells

Quick drawing love spells. Love spells re a common thing to those who are desperately looking for love. You can nevr blame a person in love. It is at times the only remedy to the many problems thye have and find in this world. I have been doing spell casting for any years and nw i want you to be ...

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Moon magic spells.

moon magic spells

Moon magic spells that work. Moon magic spells that work according to the phases of the moon. These moon magic spells are really very powerful and they have no side effects on your life. The moon as it rotates in the universe, it comes with very many good things with it. The moon as it brings it light and sheds ...

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Blood love spells.

blood love spells

Blood love spells that work. Blood love spells that really work very fast. This is a kind of spell that is going to bring you tue love that will never end in your life. I have been doing spell casting since my childhood and i have learned the great power that lies in spells of blood. This is due to ...

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protection spells againts enemies.

protection spells against enemies

Protection spells against enemies. Your enemies have been planning for you many times. Just be sure that no one is an enemy without any motive. I know some people pretend to be your friends but with very dangerous motives towards your life. I bring you the protection spells against enemies that really work fast without any ingredients. You need to ...

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Real magic love spells.

real magic love spells

Real magic love spells. It is at times hard to find true love. All the people who approach us at times have their own motives. They want at times to cheat s an hence eave us crying. You would not like to repeat the same mistakes over again and so you want to find true love in your life. I ...

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Prevent divorce spells.

prevent divorce spells

Prevent divorce spells. Prevent divorce spells to get rid of the now would be divorce case to happen. I know that the powers that i grant are the best powers in the region. A lot of spell casters are claiming to be super but they are all frauds. Thye only want to cheat you and also have to chat with ...

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Salt bath to remove bad luck.

salt bath to remove bad luck

Salt bath to remove bad luck. Once in a lifetime, it’s just right when we are always safe. Not even the bad guys or the reptiles can take t all away. But this only applies to lucky people. Thye have the power to change their fate for the better and best. Thye have the power to make decisions about their ...

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Protection spells for loved ones.

protection spells

Protection spells for loved ones. The number one priority of someone would be to protect his loved ones. To be there for them and love them. Anything that would harm them, you would fight with your whole life to divert it. I know that you are human and you are helpless because you can not fight all of the t ...

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Get rid of bad luck spells.

bad luck

Get rid of bad luck spells. To have bad luck is a very bad thing. know It might make you lose everything you ever had in your life.  know of a power that bring s bad luck. It could be black magic or you inherited it from your ancestors. It is okay for you not to wish because no one ...

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